The Cedar Valley Jaycees’ Greater Waterloo Open Golf Classic is Iowa’s largest and oldest professional golf tournament. Established in 1933, the Waterloo Open (as it is commonly known) is organized and run by a volunteer committee of Cedar Valley Jaycees members, with assistance from the Waterloo Leisure Services department and the PGA Professionals at the three Waterloo public golf courses. Every year, the Waterloo Open hosts nearly 400 amateur and professional golfers from all across the world.
Waterloo is located in the northeast quadrant of Iowa and easily accessible from all major Midwest markets. Its conveniently located at the crossroads of Interstate 380 and Highways 218, 63 and 20, and just minutes from Waterloo Regional Airport.Waterloo is part of a larger metropolitan area known as the Cedar Valley, which includes the cities of Cedar Falls, Evansdale and Hudson. Waterloo's population is 68,747.
The field is updated on our website weekly from late May through early July. As the event gets closer and begins to fill up, these updates will be more frequent. If you have sent in your information and your name is not on the website within a week, please contact the appropriate chairperson for additional information.
Refunds will be given if the withdrawal notification is given before Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 11 p.m. CST. All withdrawals are subject to a 10% administration fee.
Yes. Once the field is full, we will begin a waiting list and golfers on that list will be contacted in the order of that list when there is an opening.
Mason City, IA and Dubuque, IA both have airports, and are less than 2 hours away from Waterloo. Both are served by fewer carriers than the three listed below Waterloo Regional Airport.
Visit the hotel information page on this site for a list of area hotels.
Irv Warren Memorial Golf Course will be open to the public (including professionals) for practice rounds on Wednesday, July 13th, all day. The Pro-Sponsor event is another great opportunity for Pros to get in a practice round.
Yes, but you have to supply your own range balls. Waterloo Golf Headquarters is located at 1850 W Ridgeway Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701, which is about 1.5 miles from Irv Warren Golf Course and they have a range where you can buy a bucket of balls:
All golfers have the opportunity to indicate a preferred tee time when submitting their entry, and those time ranges are all "first come first served," based on when the entry was received by the tournament committee. Indicated tee time preferences are not guaranteed. Special needs for specific tee times should be brought to the attention of the pro co-chairs and every effort will be made to accommodate those requests.
Yes. Shorts are optional for both professional and amateur players during all rounds of the tournament.
Caddies can be reserved for the first and second rounds on Friday and Saturday for a fee . Caddies will only be provided to golfers who preregister by paying the caddie fee during the registration process. All caddies, whether provided by the tournament or by the Pro himself, are required to wear smocks, which are provided by the tournament.
Distance Only electronic range finders are allowed. Players will be asked to show rules officials their device to ensure that it is compliant with the rules.